Throughout our lives, no matter which campus attended, we share a bond through our Alma Mater Las Vegas High School
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The Wildcat reunion was held on October 19, 2024 To be
sure we have your mailing address, or
you are interested in being on our Wildcat Reunion Committee
contact us at: *** *** The 2022 Wildcat Reunion was held on October 22. If you've moved during the last year, or are not sure you are on our mailing list, please send an email with your current information to ***
The final
list of attendees for the Wildcat Reunion, (downloadable PDF) Here is the recap from the 2021 Wildcat Reunion (downloadable doc file) And a slideshow video of the evening's events. Click below, enjoy! *** The 2019 annual all-class Wildcat Reunion was held on Saturday, September 21 at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in the Mardi Gras Ballroom. Attendee RSVP list for 2019 Wildcat Reunion 2019 - RECAP OF WILDCAT REUNION *** 2018 WILDCAT REUNION ***
Nancy Marriott Austin, class of 1939, was honored as our oldest attendee.
Our youngest attendees were 2018 scholarship recipients Geraldo
Aguaro-Flores, Robin Galvez, Tamara Halverson, Kathia Malfavon-Medina,
Elizabeth Solis-Villaneuva, and Andrew Velasquez. We were very pleased to
have Alejandro Aguayo-Flores, one of our 2016 scholarship recipients, plus
Jolene Mitchell and Classes of 1956 through 1959 were honored and had 109 attendees, including classmates and guests. Class of 1943, celebrating their 75th reunion, had 4 attendees, and class of 1948, celebrating their 70th reunion, had 12 attendees.
Classes of 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, and 1978 all celebrated their
“significant” reunions with us. Class of 68 had 51 attendees and class of
1978 had the most of any class, with a total of 66 attendees.
Prizes ranged in value from $25 to $100 and included Mob Museum and
restaurant gift cards, a gift basket with LVHSAA memorabilia, and a LVHS
commemorative pewter plate. Winners included Phil Yamamoto (1978), Kim
Mattern (1978), Lew Godin, guest of Yolanda Rodulfa Godin (1968), Donna
Andress (1943), Nancy Katz (1979), Susie Van Der Meer Pinjuv (1955), Jim
Kuykendall (1965), Robert Drew, guest of Vita Corimbi Drew (1980), Marcia
Estevez Barrientos (1978), Robert Blood (1981), Daphne Holinsworth Hoffman
(1978), and Robert LaPorte, guest of Teresa Fullerton LaPorte (1978).
Members of the LVHS Student Council helped us sell raffle tickets, with
proceeds going to our scholarship fund. We had prizes totaling over $3000,
all donated by local merchants and/or alumni. John Dase (1972) won two
tickets to a Vegas Golden Knights Game valued at $400, Fran Reese, wife of
Dale Reese (1960) won a 2 piece set of Harley Davidson luggage, Dale Reese
and Brian Clayton (1978) both won two tickets to the Terry Fator show, Dan
Houze, guest of Lori Wood Krause (1978) won two tickets to the Nutcracker at
the Smith Center, Victoria Pinjuv (1972) won a pair of Maui Jim Sunglasses,
Cecil Wynn (1960), Wayne Shelksohn (1968), Richard Brewer (1964) and Carol
Phillips Hail (1967) all won gift baskets containing wine and cheese, Joe
Austin, son of Nancy Austin (1939) won 2 tickets to a Las Vegas Lights game,
Bambi Level Ward (1975) won the LVHSAA gift basket, and Cori Fields McEwen
(1979) won a one night stay at the Amargosa Inn. Thanks to all of you that
participated in our raffle, which made almost $3000 for our scholarship
fund. Many thanks also to those of you that sent donations to our
scholarship fund and mail fund along with your reunion reservations! Thanks also to our great, hard-working committee, Rollie Gibbs (1954) and Patty Haack (1956), Co-Chairpersons, Crystal Beville Latham (1981), Laura Beverlin Chadburn (1970), Kae Jones Bogdanovich (1956), Maria Konold (1981), Bruce Langson (1964), Miriam O’Donnell Pemberton (1955), Joe Thomson (Honorary Member and Historian), Laura Ungaro (1963) and Dave Williams (1972) and to non-alumni volunteers Shirley Derke and Rosemary Burke Pollard.
Thanks to all who attended for helping make it such an enjoyable evening!
Next year we will be honoring the members of classes of 1960 through 1964,
so make your plans now to attend. It will be on Saturday, September 21,
2019. *** 2017 Wildcat Reunion September 23, 2017 *** 2016 WILDCAT REUNION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FINAL ATTENDEES LIST does not include walk ins and pay at the door Here is the Wildcat Reunion recap! *** was Saturday, September 26, 2015 at the Orleans Hotel & Casino in the Mardi Gras Ballroom. and a video of the festivities with the class of 1960. courtesy of Once a year a dedicated committee works hard to put together the Wildcat Reunion. This reunion is historically held in early or mid-September. It was started in 1978 by alumni Bill "Wildcat Morris (class of 1945) . Hence 2008 was the 30th anniversary of the Wildcat Reunion. The reunions were held in Morris' backyard until they became too large. It was then held in various locations until Morris died in 1998. In 2001, alumni Bill Boyd and other members of the class of 1949 started it up again at the Stardust Hotel. It was moved to Sam's Town in 2002 and has been held there annually ever since. In 2012 it was again moved to The Orleans Hotel and Casino. contact: LVHSAA P. O. Box 35318 Las Vegas Nevada 89133-5318 or ******************** ********************
Invitations for the Wildcat reunion are historically sent out the first week in July.
P. O. Box 35318 Las Vegas Nevada 89133-5318 or
Until you are on our mailing list you won't get an invitation because they are currently sent out only by snail mail. Info on past reunions below ******************** RECAP OF 2015 WILDCAT REUNION ********************
RECAP OF 2014 WILDCAT REUNION We had a total of 520 attendees. Attendees came from all corners of the continental U.S. (including Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Montana, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas and Washington) plus Hawaii. Our oldest attendees were Lina Pinjuv Sharp (class of 1937) and Nancy Marriott Austin (class of 1939). Our youngest attendees were three of our scholarship winners 2014 (Marissa Gomez, Arianne Monzon and Steven Salas) plus Monica Kim-Zamora from the class of 2014. We had 3 attendees from classes of the 1930s and 22 from classes of the 1940s. Although the majority of attendees were from the 50’s through the 70’s, we were pleased to have more from the 80’s and after than in previous years. Hopefully the word will get around to the younger classes about how great the food is and how much fun the younger crowd had dancing and we’ll have even more next year! Class of 1964, celebrating their 50th reunion, had the most attendees – a total of 52. Class of 1953 having such a good time celebrating their 60th reunion with us last year, had the second most attendees this year, and class of 1963 had so much fun celebrating their 50th last year, came in with the third most attendees. Miriam O’Donnell Pemberton, class of 1955, was presented the “Outstanding Alumni of the Year” award for her outstanding support and work on the Wildcat Reunion for the last nine years. In response to requests from attendees for shorter door and raffle prize drawings, we made them quick this year. Door prizes were won by Bonnie Bryan, wife of Senator Richard Bryan (1955) who won a beautiful crystal vase, Stan Clifton (1950) won a $50 gift card to the Cheesecake Factory, Marion Peterson (1950) won a $50 gift card to Olive Garden, and Marilyn Riggs Schouten (1950) won a Las Vegas “throw” (blanket) donated by the class of 1953. Ten members of the LVHS Student Council sold the raffle tickets for us, wearing red and black t-shirts that had “College Bound Wildcat” across the front. Thanks to everyone that bought raffle tickets. The raffle prize winner was Heather Dase, wife of John Dase (1972) who won $725 – half of what we collected selling raffle tickets, leaving $725 for our Scholarship Fund. Between the raffle ticket sales, sale of the new Wildcat lapel pins, sale of the alumni license plate frames, sale of ads for our program, plus a couple of general donations, we made almost $5000 for our Scholarship Fund. Thanks to all of you that participated!! ***
*** *** WILDCAT REUNION - 2011 The 2011 Wildcat Reunion for all alumni of LVHS was at Sam's Town in the Sam's Town Live Ballroom. Recap to follow! For more information, or to be sure we have your mailing address, or If you are interested in being on our Wildcat Reunion Committee contact us at:LVHSAA P. O. Box 35318 Las Vegas Nevada 89133-5318 or
The 2011 Wildcat reunion was September 10, 2011 at Sam's Town. - We had over 100 attendees from out-of-state, including 2 from Mexico, 7 from the New England States, 3 from New York, 1 from Hawaii, 2 from Georgia and 26 from Utah Older reunions: The 2010 Wildcat reunion was September 11, 2010 at Sam's Town. It was a great party. recap:
Total attendees: 635 (alumni and guests)
Includes alumni from 1928 through 2010 - an 82 year span
Oldest attendee: Violet Oppedyk Tracht (1928)
Youngest attendee(s): Cindy Guerrero and Mary
Phenix (2010)
Scholarship winners in attendance (both 2010 grads): Cindy Guerrero and
Mary Phenix
In addition to Violet from 1928, we had alumni (not including guests)
attendees from:
30s - 2
40s - 57
50s - 183
60s - 150
70s - 28
80s - 6
90's - 3
2000's - 2
We had attendees (including guests) from 19 states, including Nevada.
165 attendees were from out-of- state. We had attendees from every corner of the U.S., including Maine (3), Florida (4), Washington state (9) and California (65), plus 5 from Hawaii. We had 24 from Arizona and 26 from Utah.
The alumni that traveled the furthest for the most consecutive years was
Dolores Morford Watt, class of 1942.
We had 9 teachers in attendance, plus the Student Council Advisor and 10
Student Council members.
We had 5 classes celebrating "significant" reunions along with us (1945,
1950, 1955, 1960 and 1965).
Class of 1960 had the most attendees (121), followed by class of 1955 with 84 attendees.
The "Outstanding Alumni of the Year" award was presented to U. S. Senator
Richard Bryan.
We honored Coach Harvey Stanford and the 1944 football team. They were
undefeated and unscored upon. 9 of the surviving 16 members were in
We made over $2100 for the scholarship fund
Lynn Zook of Classic Las Vegas wrote an article about this reunion The annual Wildcat Reunion for ALL alumni of LVHS was held on Saturday, September 12, 2009 Pictures are uploaded
Here's the recap of the
2009 reunion courtesy of Patty
There were over 500 attendees, with alumni
from an 80 year span: 1928 through 2008. Thanks to everyone's participation, we earned
over $1500 for the LVHSAA Scholarship Fund. *** Wildcat Reunion 2008 Here's a recap of the
2008 reunion courtesy of Patty